Rev. Dr. Trish McCarthy
Doctorate of Ministry
Episcopal University of the South in Tennessee.
Rev. Dr. Trish McCarthy has been in the Anglican priestly ministry for 29 years in both rural and urban contexts. Trish has been teaching pastoral care for about 25 years and more formally since she graduated in 2005 with her Doctorate of Ministry from the Episcopal University of the South in Tennessee.
She has taught Pastoral Care in Northern Ontario for an Indigenous Diocese led by Bishop Lydia Mamakwa of Kingfisher Lake, ON. Dr. Trish has designed and continues to refine her teaching materials while holding the conviction that pastoral care is frontline spiritual direction. Dr. Trish has a passion for good pastoral care ministry which includes listening with the heart and offering gentle questions to prompt the person visited to consider their relationship with the divine. years of volunteer experience as a Victim Service Advocate has enhanced and rounds out Trish’s teaching modules. Trish has training, knowledge and experience in Trauma intervention both through Victim Service in-service training and through the Crisis and Trauma Resource Institute (CTRI.) The Reverend Doctor Trish McCarthy also teaches about Spiritual Direction (ESC PE 136) and does Spiritual Formation work, both in her role as Chapel Dean as well as in a an ESC Spiritual Formation course (PE 131) every second year at STU. While much focus in pastoral caregiving is on the individual, Dr. Trish teaches about group pastoral care which includes: awareness of family and congregational dynamics, group conflict management and resolution, basic principles of mediation, communal discernment, mission action planning and group Spiritual Direction. As of Spring 2022, Dr. Trish is deepening her skills as a Spiritual Direction Supervisor through the Spiritual Directors International group. Making an effort at a balance in life is important to Trish and her husband Art Howell as they take walks, sometimes with their dog, enjoy their Tennessee Walking horse Lucy Darling, do snowshoeing, and jogging. Creative time at home includes reading, sewing, cooking and enjoying a movie once in a while.