WECAN (The Western Education Collaborative Anglican Network) is a group of educators, program administrators, program designers and judicatory leaders with a passion for training disciples to take on leadership in the Anglican Church. WECAN came into being following a national consultation and in recognition of the regional needs in education.
WECAN seeks to develop several areas of leadership in the Western Anglican church by:
– Creating effective leaders in the Anglican Church in western and northern Canada;
– Leading in the development of spiritual formation of the students who will be or are licensed or ordained;
– Being an effective response to the Church’s need to educate and form disciples in our current contexts;
– Acting thoughtfully in response to the indigenous realities of western and northern Canada through education;
– Coordinating educational resources (personnel, materials, programs) in western and northern Canada;
– Exploring and developing core curricula, credentialing, licensing, models of ministry and models of learning.
In addition, There are eight touchstones for teaching that need to be addressed in each of the distinct ministry areas. Learners will demonstrate competencies in: 1) Christ-Centred Biblical Interpretation, 2) Clear and Creative Communication, 3) Commitment to Ongoing Discipleship, 4) Canadian Anglican Identity, 5) Indigenous Reconciliation and Relationships, 6) Collaborative and Community-Based Leadership, 7) Contextualized Adaptive Ecclesiology as well as 8) Innovative and Responsive Ministry.
For more information about WECAN and how you can get involved, please contact Rev. Dr. Trish McCarthy (trish.mccarthy@saskatoontheologicalunion.ca) or visit the WECAN website at